IT for Mining

Mining IT Services

Mining and resources face a broad range of challenges that make providing IT solutions more complex than for other industries. These challenges don’t just apply to production mining. With unique challenges that need to be managed across exploration, feasibility assessment, design and planning, construction, and reclamation.We have a broad range of experience providing IT and communications solutions to mining and resources across the mining lifecycle.

A Focus on Mining and Resources.

We have a solid focus and background on Mining and Resources. Our management team are experienced IT managers working for Perth based, internationally operating resource companies.

Our system administrators have experience working for production mining companies. We have experience working across the board with the technologies required by today’s modern mining companies.

We don’t just implement and manage IT Systems, but also Radio, Phone, and Satellite, all in the hostile and isolated environments where mining companies operate.

Mining Focused Services

On-site and Cloud Infrastructure
Long Range Networking
International Infrastructure Projects
Digital Radio and Communications
Redundant Systems
Solutions for Remote and Rugged Environments
Network Optimisaiton
Service Desk
Businessman hand working with a Cloud Computing diagram on the new computer interface as concept

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